Acess REST Service outside actual URL

Posted 2 years ago by HubertBieder

I had a rest Service (WCF) - I added CORS Support.

In Postmann I can verify that ther is a Access-Control-Allow-Origin and also a Access-Control-Allow-Headers with "*".

I can get acess from console-Programm - but in Blzor there is an Error. 

Any Idea or is there a Rest service I can try out to get Acess ?


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    What is the error message in Blazor?

    Posted 2 years ago by selliott
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                var ret = await Http.GetFromJsonAsync<string>(url);

                if (ret?.Length > 0)


                    rest = ret;



            catch (Exception E)


                error = E.Message;


    E.Message means: TypeError: Failed to fetch 


    Posted 2 years ago by HubertBieder
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    Are you sure it is returning a Json response?  It would also error out if it wasn't able to parse the response as Json.

    While troubleshooting, maybe try something along the lines of

    var response = await Http.GetAsync(url);
    	ret = await response.Content.ReadFromJsonAsync<string>();

    And set a breakpoint at the response line or log it in some way to see what the full response is that you're receiving.

    Posted 2 years ago by selliott
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    It crashes in : var response = await Http.GetAsync(url);

    response has value null

    Posted 2 years ago by HubertBieder
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    Did you allow it to step to the next line after the response? It shouldn't be null if you're hitting a valid url/endpoint. The debugger will say it's null until you step to the next line after it.

    Posted 2 years ago by selliott
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    Your comments are very helpfuil.

    I build a CoreWebAPI Restservice. He has two Adresses

    1. Http:
    2. Https

    If i used your code on the http Rest there is a crash GetTaSYNC89 and I´m in the Exception Clause.

    If I used the http Adress, i get a string not a String in Json. and so it is not possible to convert  from Json to string,.


    ==> I will now ensure that i get a Jason Object  in my test Software. In my Legacy sotware i have it fixed that is a Json covered string.

    ==> Is it not allowed to consume a http Rest ? 

    ==> Is there any Method/Switch to allow http Rest to use ?

    ==> Especially in Legacy systems I have often only http Rest Services.

    Thank you for your support and advice.



    Posted 2 years ago by HubertBieder
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    Posted 2 years ago by selliott
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    I believe that it is not possible to access a REST Service with http://.


    Posted 2 years ago by HubertBieder
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    If your non-secure Blazor site isn't able to work with your API, then maybe your API isn't setup to allow non-secure traffic? Are you either redirecting all non-secure URL's to a secure URL, or maybe haven't setup your API Authentication to not require https metadata?

    The first two thoughts that come to mind for common setups is to:

    1. Check whether you have "app.UseHttpsRedirection()" in your Configure method of your Startup.cs file.  This would force a redirect.
    2. If you're using JWT Bearer Tokens, when you setup something like "services.AddAuthentication().AddJwtBearer()" in Startup.cs, make sure you set options.RequireHttpsMetaData = false. See a general example below
    	.AddJwtBearer(IdentityServerJwtConstants.IdentityServerJwtBearerScheme, options =>
    		options.RequireHttpsMetadata = false;
    Posted 2 years ago by selliott
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